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Welcome to the Chamber!

Did you just join the Chamber? Welcome! We're here to help you make sure you find value in the Chamber and meet other business owners and members of our community. Use the buttons above to get a quick review of your membership benefits (they grow periodically) and the orientation video to watch a previously recorded presentation.

While you're here...

Be sure to follow the steps below to make your new member journey an easy one.

  • Step 1: Create your log-in for the Member Information Center portal. Your membership gives you exclusive access to specialized tools to promote your organization via the new online Member Information Center. Login in today to update your information and start using these new features which include advertising your events, submitting your own job openings, networking with other members, and more!
  • Step 2: Register for a New Member Orientation. Our New Member Orientations are held bi-monthly on the second Tuesday at 12pm via Zoom. You can RSVP for the next orientation on our calendar here. You will also receive an invitation via email.
  • Step 3: Register for the next Chamber Member Monthly Meeting. Be involved and stay up-to-date on business matters by attending our monthly member meetings held every fourth Tuesday of the month at 9am via Zoom. You can RSVP for the next meeting on our calendar here. You will also receive an invitation via email.
  • Step 4: Add our emails to your email contact list so our communications don't go to spam. We recommend adding our emails to your contact list so you receive all our communications. These include:
    • Michelle Crispin, President/CEO -
    • Millie Martinez Stordeur, Director of Membership & Ops -
    • Shelby Forier, Communications Manager -
    • Event Production -
  • Step 5: Lookout for the Monday Member Center email. Get the most value for your membership and stay plugged into the community by checking your email every Monday.
  • Step 6: Follow us on socials! Click the icons below.

Questions? Reach out to your Membership Director at or (424) 320-3082. Note the number is a voicemail line and we will return your call as soon as possible.

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