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Our mission at the Chamber is to promote, inform, and empower the businesses of Hermosa Beach. In order to serve this mission, we invite businesses, nonprofits, and individuals to join as members for a nominal annual fee. Below are some of the benefits of membership.

Membership Benefits

Membership benefits are broken into three categories

  1. Business benefits
  2. Marketing benefits
  3. Event benefits

Business Benefits


Listen and advocate for business whether it be individual private needs or public support from the Chamber. We also deliver a collective voice to the City through membership in the City's Economic Development Stakeholder Committee, attendance at City meetings, and communication with the City's business liaison.


Access to Chamber staff for quick questions, connections, or clarification on complicated matters, or just someone to be your business advocate. We often give advice, offer referrals or simply provide quicklinks to needed resources.

Ribbon Cutting

New opening businesses in the community (or those celebrating anniversaries) are highlighted on our social media and Beach Bulletin with an optional ribbon cutting event. Ribbon cuttings are offered free of charge to members. We coordinate local elected officials, a ceremony, and the ribbon and scissors! We also offer guidance on how to do a ribbon cutting.


Our events calendar is the most robust and widely spread in Hermosa. Everything from events hosted by the Chamber to events by members and non-members. If it's happening in town, we have it on our calendar. We also include events to business related webinars and public presentations that benefit business. Members can add events through the member portal.

Member Center Email

A weekly Member Center email sent every Monday to all members with links to business resources, ways to participate in promotion, upcoming events, funding sources, City/County/State restriction updates, and more.


Invitations to webinars (free to members) with industry experts. Invitations to networking events and mixers with a discounted fee. And invitations to participate in local activities.


We often connect members with marketing, printing, legal, financial and other resources. We also, during the pandemic, frequently marketed free PPE and funding links. Whatever you need, we have resources!

Member Portal

Access to our Member Portal with over 400 member businesses and direct contact information for their owners and representatives.

Get Involved

The Chamber has a variety of committees that members can join. Here are a few:

  • Marketing
  • Events
  • Economic Development
  • Real Estate
  • Non-downtown
  • Advocacy
  • Membership

Marketing Benefits

Truly Hermosa

This is the Visitors' Bureau consumer facing directory. This website is promoted online, on ground decals throughout the city, and point of sale in local businesses. You must be a member to be included.

Social Media

On Facebook and Instagram to three audiences: businesses (HermosaChamber), locals (HermosaOne), and visitors (TrulyHermosa). This includes monthly paid/promoted advertising.

Business Directory

In the Chamber business directory on our website. This is accessed by both members, residents and visitors regularly.


The Beach Bulletin

In a bi-weekly email community newsletter, the Beach Bulletin. We feature business ads in the Local Highlights section (you must request and send art). We also list all new members in the Beach Bulletin.


Promotions Email

In an optional Promotions email program. These emails go to our loyal audience of over 10,000 emails. Our average open rate is 40%. Offered only to members at $125 per email. Maximum 6 per year.


Printed Directory

We produce the only Hermosa destination guide called Truly Hermosa. These are printed twice annually and distributed to all hotels in the South Bay area as well as all newstands and counters who wish to carry them including the visitors center. Advertising is available for purchase (10% discount to members). Auto inclusion in listing requires membership.


Personal Referrals

We often get visitors and residents coming in to the Chamber to ask for recommendations. We only recommend members.


Local Deals

We automatically include all Local Highlights ads on our Local Deals webpage, but we also accept any business local deals that you want us to feature. We'll also promote on social media on request.


Event Benefits

Fiesta Hermosa

Chamber members with a PLUS membership receive a discounted or free retail booth (depending on location) for the Makers Mercado in Fiesta. Inquire within to find the right participation point for you!

Sidewalk Sales

Sidewalk Sales happen January, April and August. Participation is open to all members whether you have a physical storefront or not. We will give you space!

Best of Hermosa

The Best of Hermosa awards happen early each year. Members are eligible for nomination and award in a variety of categories. Here are some examples:

  • Best new business
  • Best overall
  • Best Chamber member
  • Making a Difference
St. Patrick's Day Parade

Members with a PLUS membership receive a 50% discount for participation in the parade.

Hermosa for the Holidays

Chamber members can participate in the sidewalk shopping component of Hermosa for the Holidays which occurs the weekend before Thanksgiving each year. Other members are invited to participate, present workshops, and more!

Shop Local

We often initiate "shop local" campaigns with residents and members are highlighted as participants including the Resident Gift Exchange and the #smallbusinesseveryday campaign. We encourage locals to shop at member businesses!


Want to get people in your doors and host an event? We got you! We'll help promote or even plan.


Dues are charged when you complete the application for membership and renewed each year on your anniversary month. Learn more about our dues at

  • $100 Civic Members:
    Individuals who do not own a business but wish to contribute their expertise or time in membership
  • $100 Nonprofit Members:
    501(c)3 organizations
  • $100 Artists/Musicians/Bands
    Individual artists, musicians or bands who want the benefits of the Chamber but are not joining as an arts group.
  • $200 Solo Entrepreneurs:
    A professional without employees (free agent, freelancer, solopreneur, self employed, sole proprietor, or home-based business owner)
  • $300 Small Business:
    Small restaurant, retail, real estate agent, financial advisor, salon, other
  • $400 Business:
    Large restaurant, multi-store retail, brokerage firms, property management, hotel
  • $800 Corporate/Chain:
    Utilities, large banks, corporate, national chains (not independently owned)
  • $10,000 Hermosa Partner:
    Any business seeking to sustain the Chamber and get year-round added marketing value
  • $200 PLUS add-on:
    Add this to any "business" membership for added value
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